
The following parameters are supported:


  • -c (configuration path): Absolute path to a .yml file containing some or all of the following configuration:
  • A list of apt repositories to add (see constrict0r.sourcez role).
  • A list of packages to purge via Apt (see constrict0r.aptitude role).
  • A list of packages to install via Apt (see constrict0r.aptitude role).
  • A list of packages to install via yarn (see constrict0r.jsnode role).
  • A list of packages to install via pip (see constrict0r.pyp role).
  • An URL to a skeleton git repository to copy to / (see constrict0r.sysconfig role).
  • A list of services to stop and disable (see constrict0r.servicez role).
  • A list of services to enable and restart (see constrict0r.servicez role).
  • A list of users to create (see constrict0r.users role).
  • A list of groups to add the created users (see role).
  • A password for each created user.
  • A list of files or URLs to skeleton git repositories to copy to each /home folder (see constrict0r.userconfig role).
  • A list of files or URLs to custom Ansible tasks to run (see constrict0r.task role).

When this parameter is present the -d parameter is ignored. -c /home/username/my-config.yml


  • -d (desktop): If present, install and execute the constrict0r.desktop ansible role which fully setups Debian (or a Debian-like system).

    If the -c parameter is present this parameter is ignored.

./ -d


  • -h (help): Show help message and exit.
./ -h


  • -u (user): Allows to specify an user to be created.

When using this parameter, only one user is allowed to be specified. If you want to handle multiple users, use the -c parameter to specify a custom configuration file.

./ -u mary

If this variable is not specified, the current username will be used.


  • -v (extra-role variables): The variable keys and values stored on this variable are passed to the extra role (-x) if it is defined. -x username.role_name -v 'username=mary password=1234'


  • -w (password): Password to assign to the user specified on -u parameter.
./ -w '1234'


  • -x (extra-role): If present, install and execute the specified ansible role after the main setup process has finished. -x username.role_name


  • -z (check-mode): This parameter enables the check-mode, on this mode the tasks are listed but not executed. -z